Monday, October 19, 2009

A gift from god, forgetfulness

“Hi Wendy.”
“Hey… Who are you?”
Yup, this just happened a couple days ago, I was gnawing on my apple, walking down the street across the social science hall. A girl in a blue UCD sweat shirt called me, and without thinking, those three words “who are you” spitted out of my mouth. I was shocked by my own rudeness and regretted saying those three words. I guess that girl was shocked, too. Her mouth was wide open, it seemed like she was trying to say something, but no sound came out of her mouth. The ambiance was quite awkward. We stared at each other for a few seconds, immediately I apologized to her. After the awkwardness, we chatted a little bit and it turned out she is my friend’s friend. She told me we already met three times, but I still could not remember her at all. In my case, the forgetfulness may seem inconvenient, but humans are meant to forget things (I’m not trying to find an excuse for myself for not remember that girl). Forgetfulness is a gift from god; as time passes we have the ability to forget the pain and sorrow that happened in our lives.
Emily, one of my closest friends since elementary school, is very independent and responsible for her academic performance. She has a bright personality and always gets along with others. However, things changed after his father got into affair with another woman. Every day, her mom and her dad argue and fight. Her mom was sent to the hospital because of a fight with her dad. Her parents also abused her because both of her parents are suffered from mental disorders and cannot control their tempers. The major depression shaped her into a different person. She skipped classes and attempted to commit suicide several times. She wasn’t her own self anymore.
Two years later, she went to study abroad in America. She was away from her parents, away from all the drama. As time passes, she changed and became her own self, again. She told me, she cannot remember every detail that happened in her past, such as why she chose to commit suicide and skip classes. She laughed at her own immature behavior; those blurry memories will not cause her pain any more. The scar in her heart seems to be cured, she forgot and forgave her parents’ misbehavior.
As we grew older, the burden on our shoulders gets heavier. We went through different kinds of pain, such as family members passing away, breaks up with partner, and other’s misunderstanding. However, pain from those events does not build up; as time passes, we forget the pain and do not suffer from it anymore. Old people have bad memories because they have already been through a lot in their lives. Being forgetful is a present from god that makes them forget the sorrow and have a stronger desire to live. Emily went through a tough time in her past, but now she does not suffer from it anymore. Thus, if you feel devastated by an incident in your life, just remember we all have the ability to forget sorrow and pain.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This story and idea that forgetfulness is a gift is very touching. Most people do not think of forgetfulness in everyday life as being a good thing, however you definitely convinced me that it can be beneficial in our lives. I believe that in addition to forgetting our pasts, we also work through them, and that time heals wounds. In the case of your friend, it seems she was also able to work through her pain by living away from her family, and becoming a more independent person. After some time, she felt better about herself, and was able to forget some memories that would've otherwise scarred her. I think that despite terrorizing pasts, sometimes we should remember parts of them, so that we do not make similar mistakes in the future. I also think that our pasts make us who we are, and can define parts of us.

  3. Yesterday, my friend and I was talking about what would happen if we forgot everything that had happened. I remember telling her that it would definitely be hard at first, but I believe that "forgetting" the past is a chance to start over. Renew life, live life differently, and live life better! Forgetting is not always a bad things especially if you can leave all those sad memories behind and start fresh again. But sometimes forgetting will erase those sweet happiness that you once stored in your memories. I know I'm being contradicting, but overall I think to "forget" and to " remember" is what make life special. Everyone has their ups and downs, because life would not be the same without one or the other.

  4. Yes. Forgetfulness is a gift from good. In general, we must experience and encounter in different things, especially more and more sorrow and pain. Once we experience it, it is really hard for us to complete forget it. But what we really need to learn is to let it go, forget the past and live with hopes in the future. Maybe we cannot do it right now, but we would as we get older
